Hello, managers!
I recently upgraded my DECnsr from 4.2b to 4.4 and DU from 3.2c to 4.0D.
Since that I've had really strange problems with my tape drives -
all DAT: WangDat 3400, HP 1533 and HP 1537.
On a few occasions, when the tape is full, the tape device remains
"busy". Networker unmounts the tape just fine, but subsequent accesses
to the drive just says "busy":
3/08/98 20:34:40 nsrd: /dev/nrmt0h eject operation in progress
nsrjb: error, read open error, Device busy
The only thing to do is stop and restart nsr, which is not nice in the
middle of a backup (one of the drives is in a jukebox).
Personally I think this is a problem between the driver and the drive,
i.e. the EOT is not handled correctly. This could probably be fixed
with a ddr.dbase entry, if I could find one. Is there an archive
of those around?
Or are there any other ideas?
regards, Harald
Received on Tue Mar 10 1998 - 09:56:54 NZDT