On a couple of my Digital Unix systems, running DU 4.0B, many of the
GUI-based system management tools (such as "Kernel Tuner", NFS setup,
etc) have become disfunctional since installing one of the jumbo
patches. Unfortunately I don't remember *which* of the patches seemed to
be responsible, although it certainly wasn't the latest.
I was hoping that updating the system to DU 4.0D would make the problem
go away, but unfortunately not - so, I ask here if anyone else has seen
this, and if there is a nice simple cure!
Attempting to run a typical tool gives output like this in the console
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: tcl_RcFileName
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: tclNumFiles
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: tcl_AsyncReady
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: Tcl_TildeSubst
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: TclOpen
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: TclRead
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: TclWaitpid
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: Tcl_EnterFile
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Error: unresolvable
symbol in /usr/shlib/libtclx.so: Tcl_CloseCmd
821:/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: this
executable has unresolvable symbols
(if I am running at root, it's "/usr/sbin/dop" instead of
"/usr/share/sysman/bin/sysmansh", but the effect is the same).
Thanks in advance for any help,
Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 04:50:15 NZDT