[ALPHA] 4.0D Netbootable Kernel

From: Sean O'Connell <sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 11:22:21 -0500 (EST)

Hi All-

This is a somewhat obscure question; however, here goes:

  I have been able in the past (as recent as 4.0C) to create
  a netbootable kernel for RIS installs by taking the vmunix
  off of the cdrom and applying the sections of /usr/sbin/doconfig
  to it that relate to netbootable kernels. I was in the process
  of setting up a 4.0D installation, but it will not boot! It
  gets to the point where it is starting up and then bombs out
  kernel panic (memory access error); whereas the 4.0C kernel
  (this is a DPW) will boot the machine just fine.

  Is there any one familiar with RIS installations of the OS?
  The online documentation is a bit sketchy about this. And
  also, the ris seems to really bugger up the add client under
  4.0B (the RIS server is a AS500/266 running DU4.0B patch 4)
  it never asks for the hardware ethernet address. Also, the
  ris installation of the 4.0D subsets doesn't give you all of
  the seemingly requisite symlinks and does not include the isl
  directory among others. Since we share one media set among
  all of the CSLG folks on campus, this is a necessity for
  emergency recovers, and I'd like to get it to work under 4.0D.

Thanks so much,

PS. My mkneboot script is essentially:

   # Create the network bootable version of the vmunix
   # The following code will add a 1k pad to the end of the
   # newly created image to workaround a console problem.
   dd if=$RISDIR/${TMPKERNEL} of=$PADDER bs=1k count=1 skip=5 >$NULL 2>$NULL
   mv $RISDIR/${KERNEL}.pad $RISDIR/vmunix
   rm /tmp/PaDdInG $RISDIR/${TMPKERNEL}

where PMERGE/SBOOT are the one off of the 4.0D cdrom.
Sean O'Connell                                  Email: sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU
Institute of Statistics and Decision Sciences   Phone: (919) 684-5419
Duke University                                 Fax:   (919) 684-8594
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 17:23:32 NZST

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