Hello managers!
I run X windows using CDE on my Alpha 2100, and I am wondering how I can
tell if a user is logged onto the console terminal or not. When I do a
ps -ef on the user, the output looks the same as if that person was
logged in back at his desk. This is what the output of ps -ef|grep
sspaldin looks like when sspaldin is logged in on the console:
MissouriEmployers.mem-ins.com> ps -ef|grep sspaldin
sspaldin 109 31953 0.0 09:58:41 ?? 0:00.97
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaazFea -ls
sspaldin 9975 31953 0.0 09:58:41 ?? 0:00.04 sh -c
sspaldin 15322 31953 0.0 09:58:41 ?? 0:00.95
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaazuea -ls
sspaldin 18186 31953 0.0 09:58:36 ?? 0:02.66 dtwm
sspaldin 31953 31430 0.0 09:58:26 ?? 0:01.43
sspaldin 32163 31953 0.0 09:58:41 ?? 0:02.05
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaazAea -ls
sspaldin 32317 1 0.0 09:58:33 ?? 0:00.24
/usr/dt/bin/ttsession -s
sspaldin 14471 32163 0.0 09:58:43 ttypa 0:00.31 -ksh (ksh)
sspaldin 32010 109 0.0 09:58:44 ttypd 0:00.30 -ksh (ksh)
dec_test 20619 32141 0.0 10:08:42 ttyq1 0:00.03 grep sspaldin
sspaldin 32472 15322 0.0 09:58:44 ttyq2 0:00.29 -ksh (ksh)
This is what it looks like when the same person is logged on at his
MissouriEmployers.mem-ins.com> ps -ef|grep sspaldin
sspaldin 552 22374 0.0 10:11:20 ?? 0:02.65 dtwm
sspaldin 798 22374 0.0 10:11:24 ?? 0:00.05 sh -c
sspaldin 20698 22374 0.0 10:11:24 ?? 0:00.99
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaaoEAa -ls
sspaldin 20909 22374 0.0 10:11:24 ?? 0:01.01
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaaFnda -ls
sspaldin 22374 136 0.0 10:11:12 ?? 0:01.46
sspaldin 25268 1 0.0 10:11:17 ?? 0:00.23
/usr/dt/bin/ttsession -s
sspaldin 31642 22374 0.0 10:11:24 ?? 0:00.97
/usr/dt/bin/dtterm -session dtaaadna -ls
sspaldin 844 20909 0.0 10:11:25 ttypa 0:00.31 -ksh (ksh)
sspaldin 1364 20698 0.0 10:11:25 ttypd 0:00.36 -ksh (ksh)
dec_test 1112 32141 1.3 10:16:36 ttyq1 0:00.04 grep sspaldin
sspaldin 20769 31642 0.0 10:11:26 ttyq2 0:00.27 -ksh (ksh)
I thought that perhaps the /etc/auth/system/ttys file would help out
here, and it does, sort of. There's a line in it that looks like this
which I thought at first meant that it kept track of who was currently
in on the console, but I found out that this line does not really change
until someone else has logged in there.
Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks as always!
Stephen Spalding
Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance
Received on Wed Apr 08 1998 - 18:01:47 NZST