I searched the web (learned a few things as always) but i am not sure of
the problem - it seems most like a bug in earlier (<3) versions, but as i
am at du4.0b (no patches) that seems exceedingly unlikely (impossible).
the problem: Twice now i have attempted to do a shutdown on the same alpha
and had it fail (no prob on four others). i can either sudo, su or login
as root and then type shutdown -h now and the computer says system going
down immediately, but then it doesn't. i can even logout - if it is
myself as opposed to root - and login again as root and issue the command
without luck. the first time it happened was a few months back when i
was changing the time on the clock shortly after the new installation of
du4.0b. this time, it occurred when i went to cycle the power after a user
had issued a control^c while dumping to a dat (screwing it up). it turned
out we may also be having troubles with the scsi cable length and have
removed a periferal to check this out. The scsi length was definitely
not a problem the first time it happened as there were fewer devices then.
is it an odd effect of the scsi being unhappy?
is it processes hung or too many getty processes as in the archives?
it is not a big problem - i don't think, as the command often works. any
thoughts or what to look for are welcome.
* Message From: *
* Claudia-Angelica Teresa Chiarenza Burg *
* aka Gigi *
* Claudia *
* G^2 *
* Currently Computing From: Arizona State University *
* Working on: a PhD in Physics and Astronomy *
* Claudia.Burg_at_asu.edu *
Received on Thu Apr 09 1998 - 03:08:56 NZST