[SUMMARY (much belated)] DEClaser 3500 revisited

From: MR BRADLEY M ALEXANDER <alexanderb_at_quantico.usmc.mil>
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 14:05:02 -0400

Thanks to
Dick Joltes (joltes_at_fas.harvard.edu)
Stuart Davidson (stuart.davidson_at_eurocontrol.be)
M. Vialatte (MC.Vialatte_at_cust.univ-bpclermont.fr)

I finally got the printer set up (other obligations stopped me from doing
it sooner).

In my case, I installed the NIC card in the printer, created a named pipe,
which I set up in /etc/hosts. I added the printer to /etc/bootptab in order
to get the NIC to load its address.

Once the printer had its address, I used lprsetup to create a new entry in
the /etc/printcap which added the printer. After running
/var/local/print/lcl-printers to activate the print daemon, the printer
came up.

Thanks to all that responded.
Braadley M. Alexander | Computer Sciences Corp.
JCALS System Administrator | Building 2032
alexanderb_at_quantico.usmc.mil | Quantico, VA 22134
storm_at_tux.org | storm_at_michelob.wustl.edu
"For there is surely nothing so beautiful in this world than the sight of a
lone man, facing singlehandedly a half a ton of angry pot roast."
                                             --Tom Lehrer on bullfighting

==============Original Question=================
I have a DEClaser 3500 hanging off of my AlphaServer 4100. The current
configuration is that the printer is parallel hanging off of a Xylogics
Annex terminal server. We do not appear to be running LAT (at least ps
doesn't show anything of the sort).

We just received a NIC card for this printer, and I wish to install it,
however the documentation I have seen thus far seems confusing and
contradictory. As best as I can tell, I install the NIC card, fire up the
printer then do some mysterious and obfusticated configuration ritual. I
have skimmed the sysadmin guide, the man page for lprsetup and the docs for
the NIC card.

Right now, the printer is set up as lp3 hanging off of the terminal server,
and I would like to keep the same configuration and name for it after I
install the NIC card. The lpconfig man page tells me

If lp is set to another device, for example /dev/lp0 the lprsetup program
assumes that you are setting up a printer with a parallel port, for example,
 lg02. It does not prompt you for device type information, and serial port
specific entries are not put into the /etc/printcap entry.

Am I just scaring myself? Can anyone give me a straightforward printer
configuration which will allow me to keep all of the same defaults while
being able to get the printer up on the NIC card?

Any help will be gratefully received.

Bradley M. Alexander |
   Computer Sciences Corp.
JCALS System Administrator |
Building 2032
alexanderb_at_quantico.usmc.mil | Quantico,
 VA 22134
Q. How many Borg does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A. All of them.

Received on Mon Apr 20 1998 - 20:08:15 NZST

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