[SUMMARY] BIND and MX records for hosts outside zone.

From: Ian Mortimer <mortimer_at_physics.uq.edu.au>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 12:14:56 +1000

Hi DU Admins

The question was:

> I'm moving our DNS primary from a HP box running BIND 4.8.3 to an
> Alpha PW 500au running DU 4.0C and BIND 4.9.3-B17 - the version that
> comes with the OS.

> We need some MX records for hosts outside our domain. The HP
> server happily accepts these and incorporates them into it's
> DNS database but when I start up the Alpha as primary it
> rejects those entries:
> named[4590]: physics.db:312: data "host.other.domain" outside
> zone "physics.uq.edu.au" (ignored)
> Does anyone know a way around this?

Thanks to Mike Iglesias,Martin Mokrejs and Dejan Muhamedagic for
their replies.

I didn't explain why we needed these MX records for the sake of
brevity. The remote site in question blocks smtp and other
connections from our site for some reason lost in antiquity.

So to send mail to that site we have to send through a relay.
The old version of BIND running on our HP server lets us do
that by entering MX records for the remote site in our DNS

Both Mike and Martin recommended using the mailertable feature
of sendmail 8.8. Martin also suggested the FallbackMXhost
feature as a possibility but thought the mailertable was more

So I'm trying to set up a mailertable but haven't been able to
get it working yet. That's the subject of my next question.


_/ Ian Mortimer _/
_/ mortimer_at_physics.uq.edu.au ,-_|\ Department of Physics _/
_/ Tel: +61 7 3365 3436 / *\ University of Queensland _/
_/ Fax: +61 7 3365 1242 \_,-._/ St. Lucia, Brisbane _/
_/ v Queensland, Australia 4072 _/
Disclaimer: Speaking only for myself.
Received on Mon Apr 27 1998 - 05:22:09 NZST

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