Dear group
As I understand it from the DU doco, disk usage quotas can be put in place
for a fileset.
This is very important to us as we don't want a 2GB fileset filling and
then taking room from the remainder of the, say, 30GB of the volume in
which it sits.
It seems I can only put quotas on the disk use of individual users or
groups, which is not what I want. In the DU "Guide to File System
Administration" there contains an example where edquota -gt is run and the
second line of the resulting output contains a line mentioning the setting
of a grace period for a FILESET (not a group or user, as I keep getting)
- this is exactly what I want.
Any ideas
Duncan Webbe
Unix Systems Administrator
David Jones Ltd. (Australia)
Received on Mon May 04 1998 - 07:35:14 NZST