[Summary] X terminal emulators

From: Oyanarte Portilho <portilho_at_fis.unb.br>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 08:52:56 -0300

Hi Gurus,

Here is my original post:

"We have a bunch of microcomputers running Windows NT 4.0 and
would like to get information on X terminal emulators (freeware
or commercial) that could be used to access Alpha Stations
(DU 3.2d) and IBM Risc 6000 (AIX 4.1.5 / CDE)."

and many thanks to the following people:

Stan Horwitz <stan_at_thunder.ocis.temple.edu>
Joseph C King <jking_at_chablis.cos.com>
"Dave K>" <dkaplo01_at_tufts.edu>
Blake Roberts <BlaRob_at_HBSI.COM>
Steve McLaughlin <mclaughl_at_milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov>
Brenda Ramsey bsramsey_at_CCGATE.HAC.COM
"Karol Leuzarder" <karol_at_uriacc.uri.edu>
Charles Vachon <cvachon_at_mrn.gouv.qc.ca>
"Mukesh Soni" <MSONI_at_tuc.com>
Mikel Stous <stous_at_ctr.cstp.umkc.edu>
"Mitch Bertone"<mbertone_at_gtech.com>
"Robert R. Schneider" <robert_at_brazos.pe.utexas.edu>
"Jeffrey G. Micono 6533 (Ktech)" <jgmicon_at_sandia.gov>
"MR BRADLEY M ALEXANDER" <alexanderb_at_quantico.usmc.mil>
Bruce Taube <Bruce.Taube_at_InfoAve.Net
C.Ruhnke <i769646_at_smrs013.mdc.com>
Antonio B Costa <sysup6_at_alfa.ist.utl.pt>
Curt Cranfield <curt_at_vphos.net>
"Charles C. H. Jui" <jui_at_phoebe.physics.utah.edu>
Matt Moore <moore_at_shemp.bucks.edu>
Chad Price <cprice_at_biocomp.unl.edu>
Jenn-Huei Lii <robert_at_europa.chem.uga.edu>
"Phil Rand" <philrand_at_hotmail.com>
"Randall R. Cable" <rcable_at_realmed.com>
"Nestor Ruiz" <nruiz_at_hermes.bvl.com.pe>
Kevin Calmes <kevin_at_selu.edu>
Javier Aida <jaida_at_gmd.com.pe>
Steve Wilson <Steve.Wilson_at_itron.com>
Brenden Phillips <B.C.Phillips_at_massey.ac.nz>
Juan Manuel Del Rio <jdelrio_at_uniandes.edu.co>
Glenn Newbery <glenn_at_bnd.com.au>
Bertrand Hutin <hb_at_o2tech.fr>
Ray Bellis <rpb_at_community.net.uk>
Jean-Loup Risler <risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
Paolo Marchiori <pbm_at_gsol.it>
Richard Bemrose <rb237_at_phy.cam.ac.uk>
"C.J.Bol" <bol_at_Axp1.IenD.wau.nl>

In the freeware side there were 4 references to MI/X
(www.microimages.com/freestuf/) and one to VNC (www.orl.co.uk/vnc).
In the commercial side there were 15 references to Exceed
(www.hummingbird.com), 8 references to X-win32 (www.startnet.com),
5 for (and one against) Reflection X (www.wrq.com), 2 to Excursion
(inside Digital's Pathworks), 1 to UNIX-Link (aka Chamaleon NFS),
1 to XonNet (www.ftp.com) and 1 to KEA-X.

I have tried MI/X but found it too simple. Now I am test driving
X-win32 since it is much cheaper (around $ 60 per licence) than
the winner Exceed (prices varies from $ 150 to $ 500 per licence
according to informations from above Gurus). I found it ease to
install but was not successful to run CDE completely with it in
AIX and DU 4.0b boxes. I can only open the "Failsafe" session
(Xterm window). Any directions on this point is welcome.

Thanks again,

        Oyanarte Portilho
        Institute of Physics
        University of Brasilia, Brazil
Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 13:53:25 NZST

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