ppp dial in help, some possible answers ...

From: Richard Sharpe <admin_at_ns.aus.com>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 10:35:50 +0900

The question of PPP dial-up access from Win-95 to DU, AIX, Linux, AmigaDOS :-) comes up often.

Here is some not-so-collected, perhaps-not-wisdom, on the subject that was prompted by:

At 10:48 PM 5/13/98 -0400, Becki Kain <beckers_at_josephus.furph.com> wrote:
>this goes along with the question I asked yesterday about dial in help and
>thanks, SO MUCH, to "Charles C. H. Jui" <jui_at_phoebe.physics.utah.edu> for
>all of the help he has given so far! I can do dial up networking dial in
>(and then once I've dialed in, su to the ppp account) on a win 95 box to
>my du 4.0d on a 250, but I cannot have it automatically do ppp login.

Win95 uses PAP, I believe, so you have to configure PAP on the server and have a PAP secrets file, and so on and so forth and ad infinitum ... You also have to have pppd running permanently against the line, which sort of makes it hard to do normal logins.

I have never done it, so I don't actually speak from experience here, however.

An alternative is to set up Windows 95 Dial-up networking to use scripting. In particular to use pppmenu.scp, I think it is. You either modify it to be able to negotiate your particular login sequence and then start pppd, or you provide a menu on the DU machine that mimics what pppmenu expects.

This I have lots of experience with, and I have a bash script that does the menuing (but it should be bourne shell compatible).

I can provide the above bash script if people want it, but I would have to document it :-(

Richard Sharpe, sharpe_at_ns.aus.com, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080,
Samba, Linux, Apache, Digital UNIX, AIX, Netscape, Stronghold, C, ...
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