I couldn't find the new named ftp.service.digital.com. The responses
were essentially to download it from ftp.isc.org/isc/bind/src and compile.
Good advice.
It compiles by just removing the "#" in front of the lines in the OSF
I chose to change options.h to capture extended statistics (XSTATS) and
use a separate log file (LOGFAC LOG_LOCAL0) and /etc/syslog.conf to use
named.log in /var/adm/syslog.dated.
Only named and named-xfer need to be replaced with new versions.
"_" is not allowed in names unlike the DEC version of named. That probably
is correct according to the preponderance of RFCs on the subject.
John Nebel
Received on Wed May 20 1998 - 01:14:34 NZST