I have a AlphaStation 200 4/166 with 96mb of Ram. I have one swap
partition of 134mb, running DEC UNIX V4.0b. When I boot the system
into the CDE, and start the System Information, I discover that
something has consumed 62% of my memory and 30% of my swap space. If
I start my main application, ArcView, I watch the rest of my free
memory disappear. If open a large project file in ArcView I watch all
of my swap space be consumed and I start getting 'out of swap space'
errors. What is going on. Is CDE such a hog that it is consuming
most of my RAM for its own housekeeping?
Tim Hoeflich
Hamilton County Auditor's Office
Cincinnati, OH
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Received on Fri May 22 1998 - 14:43:13 NZST