[INTERIM SUMMARY] netscape makes me crazy

From: Ken Brown <kbrown_at_ebony.trentu.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 09:14:33 -0400 (EDT)

Hello folks,

Unfortunately I can not report a resolution to this matter, but I can
submit a collection of responses. On the Windows NT/95 platform Netscape
4.05 appears to be just fine, but in my little Digital Unix world,
netscape still drives me crazy.

You'll notice below that Tom Leitner suggests that the problem may be
related to processor model. This may provide those wiser than I with
further clues towards a resolution. Note that I am still *not* able to
run Netscape 4.05 (or any version above 3.04) on my DEC 3000/600 - it
hangs with "Starting Java..". However, I was able to run 4.05 on our
Alpha 1000/266 (DU 4.0b/patch 6) and send the display to my local
workstation - not the ideal solution but it does indicate Netscape will
run on the 1000/266. Go figure.

Thanks to the list...

Original Posting:
DUNIX: v4.0b - patch kit 7 installed
H/W: Alpha 3000/600


I have been able to run Netscape 3.04 without problems. I have not been
successful in running ANY higher version. I have just installed 4.05
and, just like other 4.x versions, the danged thing hangs on;

        "Starting Java..."

Wasn't 4.05 *supposed* to address this and other matters (or will that
be in 4.06?).

1) From: Thomas Leitner <tom_at_finwds01.tu-graz.ac.at>

I know this problem with netscape hanging on "Starting Java ....".
It occurs only on DEC 3000/xxxx machines with a 21064 alpha processor.

I have *all* versions of netscape (including the latest 4.05) running
fine on a PC164LX Alpha under Digital Unix 4.0D with a 21164A alpha
processor. And it's quite stable too. I had only 1-2 crashes since
I've installed it.

The problem seems to be the other processor type, IMHO and Netscape's
attitude to compile their product only under DU 3.2.

I hope that the problem goes away as soon as Netscape will compile
the communicator specifically for DU 4.0x but how knows when this
will happen?

So the intermediate solution is to run netscape on another alpha
with an 21164 and redirect the output to your local alpha.

2) I wrote Tom explaining that "psrinfo -v" on the two systems revealed;

 1. On the 3000/600 (netscape 4.05 does NOT work)
 The alpha EV4 (21064) processor operates at 175 MHz,
         and has an alpha internal floating point processor.
 2. On the 1000/266 ((netscape 4.05 DOES work)
 The alpha EV4.5 (21064) processor operates at 266 MHz,
         and has an alpha internal floating point processor.
 So, the processors seem identical save for EV - on is 4 and the other is
 4.5. In your opinion does this difference fit with your observations of
 which processors netscape 4.x fails on? Do you know what EV stands

And Tom responded:

EV4 and EV5 etc. are just different names for the single Alpha CPU
versions as far as I know.

All I can tell you for sure is that the Navigator does *not* work
in DEC 3000/xxx machines and the only difference seems to be the CPU
type, apparently.

So maybe a subtle compiler problem is causing all this.

Of course this is all pure speculation. All we can do is to wait for
(or better try to put some pressure on) Netscape to compile the
next communicator for DU 4.0! Perhaps Digital can throw its weight into

BTW: I've tried to compiled Mozilla under DU 4.0D and had to make only
some minor modifications to get it going, even though Netscape have
only tried it under DU 3.2. So its not too much work to port it to DU 4.0x

3) From: Andrew Gillies <A.Gillies_at_cns.ed.ac.uk> (which, unfortunately,
   did not resolve the matter for me)

this is a hard one - I have netscape 4.05 working fine (including
java) both on dUNIX v4.0a (unpatched) and dUNIX v4.0d [on a range of
machines from DEC3000/500S to the new personal workstations]. All I
can do is tell you what I did, and you can see if there is anything
different (apart from the OS versions). I picked up the netscape
communicator from netscape site and installed it unlike the old v3
netscape versions, by not using DECs scripts that use an old libXt.so
(it fails to run java if I used the old libXt.so). I have a script
that starts the netscape, (to setup MOZILLA_HOME etc) included below.
And thats all I did - sorry I can't be more help, but this is all I
did - honest!

# TEST script for those willing to test netscape4 (AJ)

export MOZILLA_HOME=/usr/dumbo/share/netscape-4
export XFILESEARCHPATH='/usr/dumbo/share/netscape-4/app-defaults:/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults'


# increase the stacksize for the netscape program

if [ -x $NAVDIR/netscape ]
        exec $NAVDIR/netscape $*
        echo "ERROR: This script can't find the netscape binary."
        exit 0

4) From: "Lewis L. Lasser" <lewis_at_dmi.stevens-tech.edu>

I can't start netscape 4.05 on my 3000/600 (DU 3.2D) either (hangs at
the same spot), however I can run it normally on another 3000/600.
The *only* difference is the graphics card - I have 8 bit graphics and
the other machine has a 24 bit card.

5) From: "Charles M. Richmond" <cmr_at_koibito.iisc.com>

As you will see from my msg to the list earlier, there are many problems
with Netscape. However I have not had this Java hang problem. Perhaps
you have an old 'jar' file in your MOZILLA_HOME directory or my lack of
problem could be related to the fact that I have installed the setld for
Java 1.1.5 (OSFJAVA410, OSFJAVADEV410, OSFJAVADOC410). You can get 1.1.5
from http://www.digital.com/java/ (note that 1.1.6 beta seems to now be

With respect to #5, note that Java 1.1.5 *is* installed on the DEC 3000 but
*not* on the Alpha 1000

Thanks again to the list...and here's hoping that Netscape will address
the problem.

Ken Brown / kbrown_at_trentu.ca / tel: (705)748-1540 / fax: (705)748-1635
Received on Fri May 22 1998 - 15:15:42 NZST

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