(FAQ w/o A) DU3/4: sample Tripwire config file ?

From: Thierry Holtzer <Thierry.Holtzer_at_ceram.fr>
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998 20:48:28 +0200

Hello you all,

1) A few months ago, comments have been requested on a sample config
file for tripwire-1.2 (comp.security.unix newsgroup, "Digital
Unix (OSF/1) V3.x/4.0 Tripwire Config File, Comments?", Lamont
Granquist <lamontg_at_u.washington.edu>, 1998/02/26,
No comment, the poster told me.

2) same question as mine, twice, a year ago, no summary in this list.

3) Acc. to a post in this list (prand_at_spu.edu, *2* years ago):
> [..] we could do some stepwise refinement on it once he's got it
> working the way he wants it.
> I've placed a copy of my current config file on the World Wide Web at this
> URL:
> http://paul.spu.edu/~prand/tripwire/tw.config_noah.spu.edu
> It's definitely a work in progress, but have a look if you're interested.
> If others are interested in working on a generic Digital Unix tripwire
> configuration file, I'm willing to act as the clearinghouse.

Well, that file is dated the same as the post :-(

Anyone has more recent news, esp. for DU4.0b ?
Or is this all a non-sense reequest (and why ?) ?


        Thierry Holtzer
   Dptmt Informatique d'Entreprise
   CERAM Tel : +33 4 9395 4545
   Rue Dostoievski - BP 085 Fax : +33 4 9365 4524
   06 902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex - France
Received on Tue Jun 02 1998 - 20:49:34 NZST

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