I'm running DU4.0d on an Alpha Workstation 500/533 clone, 256MB RAM and
loads of storage. We have a maximum of 3 users logged in at any time.
The users are connecting with ReflectionX from two W95 PC's and one NT4
PC. The W95 PC's are on a Token Ring Novell LAN and the NT4 PC is on an
Ethernet to MS LAN.
We are having an intermittent problem where the workstation keeps
dropping to "init s" while users are logged in and subsequently kills
their sessions (and any programs that they may have been running). We
have to reset this by starting a telnet session from an alternate UNIX
host and issuing an "init 2" and then an "init 3" and this clears it up
for a couple of hours.
This problem seems to happen most often from the W95 PC's and less
frequently from the NT4 PC. (If that is pertinent.)
On the assumption that this has something to do with my inittab
settings, the meat of my inittab follows: (with one line separators
ss:Ss:wait:/sbin/rc0 shutdown < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 off < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
fs:23:wait:/sbin/bcheckrc < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
kls:Ss:sysinit:/sbin/kloadsrv < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
sysconfig:23:wait:/sbin/init.d/autosysconfig start < /dev/console >
/dev/console 2>&1
update:23:wait:/sbin/update > /dev/console 2>&1
it:23:wait:/sbin/it < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
kmk:3:wait:/sbin/kmknod > /dev/console 2>&1
s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
cons:1234:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty console console vt100
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Thank you,
Ed Notari
"Wherever you go, There you are!!!"
Received on Tue Jun 02 1998 - 21:19:18 NZST