apache on DU3.2

From: ing.Bubulac Angela Tatiana <tatia_at_alpha1.infim.ro>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:12:19 +0300 (EET DST)

I put the binaries for apache 1.2.0 on my D.U.3.2 O.S, I configured the
httpd.conf, srm.conf and access.conf and I have started the httpd daemon
wiht -f ... flag.
When I try to access my web page in the .../htdocs/ I receive the next
message (403):
You don't have the permission to access /nimp.html on this server

I assume that it tries to take the nimp file from root, is it?
In the access.conf and srm.conf files I wrote
<Directory /usr3/apache_1.2.0/htdocs>

Could anyone tell me where I wrong?

                              \\ - - //
                               ( _at_ _at_ )
*Bubulac Angela Tatiana - National Institute for R&D of Materials Physics*
* Bucuresti - Magurele P.O.B. MG-7 *
* Romania *
*e-mail: tatia_at_alpha1.infim.ro | phone :401-7805385 int.1380 *
* root_at_alpha1.infim.ro | 401-7806925 *
* | 401-7804573 *
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Received on Wed Jun 10 1998 - 10:12:38 NZST

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