Yesterday I asked about a machine crash, which gave me an error (see below),
and also was unable to produce a crash dump.
I'm still waiting for the REAL anwser on the cause of the crash.
I received instead a suggestion to use DIA (by Thomas Leitner, I'm in contact)
and three (Stuart Davidson Spalding, Stephen MC.Vialatte) about the inability
to write the crash dump, suggesting lack of space in /var/adm/crash.
I believe that's not the case, I have 130 MB on /usr (where /var is), and
the current crash dump I have is 30 MB. Could it be much larger than that ?
I reiterate below the MAIN question
On Thu, 11 Jun 1998, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:
> This morning my alpha 255 (DU 3.2) had a sudden crash, I was unable to read
> the messages (perhaps there was something about machine check, but they run
> over the screen to fast), it sync'ed the disks and attempted a crash dump.
> I tried a reboot (single user) a couple of time, but the boot stopped with the
> message
> halted CPU 0
> halt code 2
> kernel stack not valid halt
> PC 180f8
should I worry, call in DEC or just wait for the next crash ? Now all
is up and running
Lucio Chiappetti - IFCTR/CNR - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info :
Received on Fri Jun 12 1998 - 09:39:14 NZST