Thanks to Dr. Otto Titze (his reply follows). Although I was skeptical I
put brand new Exatapes in the drives and got the capacity that I should.
I'm used to dealing with drives that give up on write errors a lot more
Anita D. Litteer
Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Co.
Idaho National Engineering & Environmental laboratory
Email: Phone: (208) 526-9357 FAX: (208) 526-9936
I had similar problems with Exabyte Eliant 820 drives. I was experimenting
during November 1997 for several weeks and had some discussion with
Exabyte people. The situation was I got only 2.5 GB on a 112m tape.
Finally it turned out it was a question of tape quality (I used
QG-112m Fujifilm). I sent one of the tapes to Exabyte and they told me
that the ECC usage was at least twice as much as maximal admitted.
Then I tried different tapes
Here a summary:
Drive Eliant 820 (Exabyte 8507)
Kopieren von Datentapes mit
dd if=/dev/nrmt0h of=/dev/nrmt1h
Die Tapes enthalten nur Messdaten (Zahlenkolonnen)
Type Versuche Ausgabeband
voll bei
QG-112M, Fujifilm >5 je 2.5 GB
Sony 112M 1. 5.349 GB
2. 5.346 GB
Exatape 112M 1. 5.349 GB
2. 5.357 GB
3M Imation 112M 1. 5.309 GB
>8 mehr als 5 GB
160 M Baender
Exabyte 1. 7.60 GB
Sony 1. 7.66 GB
HTH. Regards
| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TU, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321|
Received on Thu Jun 18 1998 - 17:36:04 NZST