[SUMMARY] Different behaviour of MX and recipient in checking sender

From: Irene A. Shilikhina <irene_at_alpha.iae.nsk.su>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 10:27:12 +0700 (NSD)

now I have three replies. Thanks to all of you.

Gernot Salzer <salzer_at_logic.at>:
"One explanation for the behaviour you observe could be that your mail agent
has no anti-spam features, whereas the other host has. Then your host would
accept mails from an unresolvable address, but not the other host."

|| It seems to be the most possible cause of "the problem". I should
|| move in this direction.
Lucio Chiappetti <lucio_at_ifctr.mi.cnr.it>:
"I am afraid that somebody quite far can get contradictory or no answers
(maybe because of line delays ?). I tried interrogating nslookup and in two
cases got no answers ...."
Richard Bemrose <rb237_at_phy.cam.ac.uk>:
"Sorry I can not help you with your existing problem but might I suggest
replacing sendmail with EXIM v1.9 (http://www.exim.org). EXIM
configuration files are relatively pain free and human readable. There is
also a very informative exim-users email list (see web site)."

|| I have sendmail 8.8.8.
|| Thanks again,
|| Irene

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Irene A. Shilikhina wrote:
> Hello managers,
> alas, I have no replies. It makes me think I'm alone watching "the phenomenon".
> Sorry,
> Irene
> On Mon, 22 Jun 1998, Irene A. Shilikhina wrote:
> >
> > Hello managers,
> >
> > from time to time I detect a situation with sendmail which I cannot explain.
> > It happens sometimes when my host functions as a mail exchanger. While the
> > recipient host (and sendmail on it) is running OK, to my host (as MX) comes
> > a mail which cannot be delivered to recipient. The matter is a fault in
> > resolving the sender address. I make sure that resolving fails at both
> > hosts, nevertheless it gets to mine while is rejected with the recipient.
> >
> > Besides, I suppose that trying to send the message to my host is done after
> > the failure in sending one directly because both have MX records and the
> > preference numbers are appropriate.
> >
> > In q-file in mqueue:
> > Mhost map: lookup (1mallonline.com): deferred
> >
> > In x-file:
> > 451 <webmaster_at_1mallonline.com>... 1mallonline.com: Name server timeout
> >
> > Having run nslookup by hand I make sure - the sender address is unresolvable:
> > *** alpha.iae.nsk.su can't find 1mallonline.com: Server failed
> >
> > My questions:
> > ------------
> > - HOW does the message GET to my -mail exchanger- host? Why doesn't sendmail
> > on MY host reject receiving such a message?
> > - Is any miss in sendmail configuration on my or recipient hosts possible?
> >
> > Following is a fragment of mail.log file.
> > Thanks,
> > Irene
> >
> > ----------------------------------->%-------------------------------------
> > Jun 21 09:41:43 alpha sendmail[2961]: JAA02961: from=<webmaster_at_1mallonline.com>
> > , size=12817, class=0, pri=42817, nrcpts=1, msgid=<199806201907.EAA23498_at_cnnic.n
> > et.cn>, proto=SMTP, relay=nm.cnnic.net.cn []
> > Jun 21 09:51:43 alpha sendmail[3018]: JAA02961: timeout waiting for input from i
> > ae.nsk.su. during client MAIL
> > Jun 21 10:01:43 alpha sendmail[3018]: JAA02961: timeout waiting for input from i
> > aebox.iae.nsk.su. during client MAIL
> > Jun 21 10:01:43 alpha sendmail[3018]: JAA02961: to=<vad_at_iae.nsk.su>, delay=00:21
> > :38, xdelay=00:20:00, mailer=esmtp, relay=iaebox.iae.nsk.su. [], s
> > tat=Deferred: Connection reset by iaebox.iae.nsk.su.
> > Jun 21 10:13:26 alpha sendmail[3282]: JAA02961: timeout waiting for input from i
> > ae.nsk.su. during client MAIL
> > Jun 21 10:23:26 alpha sendmail[3282]: JAA02961: timeout waiting for input from i
> > aebox.iae.nsk.su. during client MAIL
> > Jun 21 10:23:26 alpha sendmail[3282]: JAA02961: to=<vad_at_iae.nsk.su>, delay=00:43
> > :21, xdelay=00:20:09, mailer=esmtp, relay=iaebox.iae.nsk.su. [], s
> > tat=Deferred: Connection reset by iaebox.iae.nsk.su.
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > ------------------------------------>%----------------------------------------
> >
Received on Wed Jun 24 1998 - 05:28:34 NZST

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