You guys kick butt!!
Thanks to Steve Spalding, Christopher C. Stevenson, Marie-Claude Vialatte,
Florus Both, Glenn Newbery, Jakrit Ruangkajorn.
Basically I entered this line into /etc/auth/systems/devassign:
and this line into /etc/auth/systems/ttys:
and this line into /etc/securettys:
nagus:0 (not needed except for root login)
(nagus is my host name)
Then ran these for my 4.0x, /usr/tcb/bin/convauth -d v (for the "deVassign
database) and , /usr/tcb/bin/convauth -d t (for the "Ttys" database).
-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence Decker
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 1998 8:05 PM
To: Alpha OSF Managers (E-mail)
Subject: Xwindows, enhanced security
Hey people,
I'm sure I'm missing something...but I'm trying to run Xwindows from my pc
and I keep getting "Cannot obtain database information on this terminal" I
get this from both my alpha's (3.2g & 4.0b). I don't know diddly about X
yet - any clue???
Received on Mon Jun 29 1998 - 15:24:33 NZST