SEMI-SUMMARY: svrMgt_mib error in syslog?

From: Britton Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 08:54:25 -0500 (CDT)

I received a couple replies that people had been seeing the same thing, so
I thought I would summarize with the one reply I have received. It seem
s to affect those of us that have recently upgraded to 4.0D. But it
seems to be somewhat benign (if you take the last line from the
response). If more information comes my way, I will re-summarize.
Huge thanks to Alan Davis for his insight!

Original question:
Greetings Managers,

        I had an error pop up in my syslog today that I haven't seen
before. Here is the message:

Jul 1 01:33:23 lc svrMgt_mib[521]: svrMgt_mib **ERROR svrMgt_mib.c line
322: eSNMP error: -4
Jul 1 01:33:53 lc svrMgt_mib[521]: svrMgt_mib **ERROR svrMgt_mib.c line
326: Terminating...
Jul 1 01:33:55 lc snmpd[522]: Closing subagent svrMgt_mib, reason: 0

        Everything appears to be running fine. I am just curious if I
should be concerned.
        The only change I have made in the last day or two was to add
joind to serve some DecServers. Not sure if they are related.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
To: Britton Johnson <>
From: Alan Davis <>
Subject: RE: svrMgt_mib error in syslog?


        In general the mib errors are esnmp related and result from
        misconfiguration of the snmp features of the os. Here is a
        write-up on one specific such error :

        Normal system operations are unaffected by snmp misconfiguration,
        although if your network admin depends on snmp, you should have
        the issues resolved.

        [UNIX] V4.0D:'Initializing the threshold structure' Message


        VERSION :

        OP/SYS : Digital UNIX v4.0D

        PROBLEM :

        After upgrading to, or installing v4.0d the message appears
        at boot time :

        Feb 19 12:48:13 handlowy2 [1166]: Initializing the threshold
        Feb 19 12:48:13 handlowy2 [1166]: WARNING svrMgt_persist.c line
        error opening /etc/thresholds.dat
        Feb 19 12:48:13 handlowy2 [1166]: WARNING svrMgt_persist.c line
127: error
        linking /etc/thresholds.dat and /etc/thresholds.dat.bak

        ANALYSIS :

        The threshold.dat file is made by the svrMgt_mib subagent whenever
        you have at least one svrThresholdEntry with the svrThrPersistent
        item (OID set true. If you use
        the svrMgt_mib subagent to set alarms, for example, environmental
        monitoring, you can use this item to preserve the settings across

        There is a release note explaining the svrMgt_mib and svrSystem_mib
        subagents. The MIB definitions are in /usr/share/sysman/mibs. The
        documentation is within the MIB files themselves.

        SOLUTION : There has been a lot of confusion about these messages.
In a future release, they will be suppressed.
Received on Thu Jul 02 1998 - 15:57:19 NZST

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