Thanks to Felix Maurer, who pointed me to
The fwupdate.exe that came in this zip file worked just fine.
Great list!
Original question:
> I'm trying to upgrade the firmware of a KZPSA in an AlphaStation 600.
> Short of having the CD I downloaded V6.9 of the AS600 firmware and A11
> for the KZPSA from Compaq's Digital firmware site.
> I was able to upgrade the SRM and ARC firmware by copying the
> as600_v6_9.exe to a diskette as fwupdate.exe and loading it through the
> ARC console. However, this update utility appears to be menu oriented only
> without any option to update the KZPSA and without access to the UPD> prompt.
> With the kzpsaa11.sys image on a diskette does anybody have an idea of
> how to upgrade the controller on this type of machine?
Received on Wed Jan 06 1999 - 17:26:40 NZDT