sendmail: How to always tack on _at_domain for outgoing mail.

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:36:50 +0100 (MET)


This weekend, I've upgraded our mail server on Ultrix 4.4 to sendmail
8.9.2. All our Alphas are relaying their outgoing e-mail through this mail
server. The mail server is configured to require the from: address to have
the domain name tacked on. Mail sent, for instance from "tom" is not
accepted. It needs "" now, even for locally
received e-mail.

While this works without problems with mails sent by pine, the /bin/mail
and /bin/mailx commands do not work and cause the mails to be bounced
by the mail server like this:

While talking to finwds01:
>>> MAIL From:<tom>
<<< 553 <tom>... Domain name required
554 Remote protocol error

Apparently pine itself appends the domain name to the sender address
and mail and mailx do not.

I have already checked my Digital Unix 4.0D sendmail setup and my
/var/adm/sendmail/hostname.m4 file contains:

dnl -- Name tacked on exported local addresses (user_at__ExportedName)
define(_ExportedName, {})dnl

which apparently does not work!! When I add me to this list:

dnl -- Users which always need $j tacked on
define(_NonHiddenUsers, {root postmaster news uucp mailer-daemon rdist

the outgoing mail gets "" tacked on and local
e-mail is delivered.

But for some reason, the _ExportedName setting does not work.

Any ideas anyone?

Thanks a lot // Tom

P.S: As an aside: I have upgraded one machine to Digital Unix 4.0E and
     found the following strange behaviour: The local mail relay
     is defined as which has both, an DNS
     A record and a DNS MX record. However the MX record points to our
     campus wide mailgate. Now all outgoing e-mail, even if it's a local
     e-mail goes through the campus mailgate and comes back to our local
     mail server. This is not necessary, IMHO. Any idea anyone how
     to avoid this?
T o m   L e i t n e r                       Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology, 
e-mail    :         Inffeldgasse 12
Phone     : +43-316-873-7455                A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
Fax       : +43-316-463-697
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