LSM striped Volumes

From: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 12:22:13 -0500

     hello all,
     I need some help...
     I have four 9GB disk drives (rz8,rz9,rz10,rz11) and want to set
     them up in three LSM Striped Volumes (vol1,vol2,vol3) and each
     volume has a different size as follow:
     - vol1 size = 16GB
     - vol2 size = 16GB
     - vol3 size = 4GB
     My question is: Do I have to create separate Subdisks
     and then the Plexes from each disk drive before I create a
     striped volume for each volume? or do I just have to do a one
     line command using "volassist..." for each volume and it will
     create and adjusted the size of each subdisk for me? and what
     is the LSM command of doing this...?
     Thanks in advanced...
Received on Thu Feb 11 1999 - 17:24:27 NZDT

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