A little problem with Networker's GUIs

From: Stanley Horwitz <stan_at_astro.ocis.temple.edu>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 14:11:28 -0500 (EST)

Hello Tru64 gurus:

I use a DEC workstation with Digital Unix 4.0d on it to access my accounts
on our large-scale Tru64 Unix boxes. Sometimes, when I start up an
Xwindows-based GUI such as nwadmin or nwrecover on one of our large
systems with the Xwindows display directed to my personal workstation, I
get an error message and the colors of the GUI are all faded out and
hardly ledgeable. This only happens about 25% of the time and when I quit
out of Netscape and any other GUI software that I might have opened, and
restart the Networker GUI, the problem goes away. This is true for some of
my colleagues when they use their workstations for the same type of
activity. Does anyone know how to solve this annoying problem?

Oh, the error I get says:

[1] 22376
# Warning: Cannot allocate colormap entry for "#845a4f"
    Cannot parse default background color spec
Received on Thu Feb 18 1999 - 19:14:24 NZDT

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