Only got two responses to this request (see subject line). One
responder (sorry, I lost your e-mail ao I can't attribute you)
gave me the checksum for the module AFTER the patch -- not what
I was looking for.
The other response was from Alan Davis and he recommended a
> Rather than replace all the non-dupatch files
> with their distribution originals, use the baseline
> feature of dupatch to eliminate the conflicts.
Thanks, Alan. That is my fallback position. I am reluctant to
arbitrarily run a baseline because I don't know what effect it might
have on FUTURE patch kits. And since I am not sure where the
current asehelp module came from I am trying to "undo" anything
that maybe shouldn't have been done...
Chris H. Ruhnke Phone: (314)233-7314
IBM Global Services M/S S306-6340 FAX : (314)234-2262
325 J.S. McDonnell Blvd Email:
Hazelwood, MO 63042
Received on Mon Feb 22 1999 - 14:55:13 NZDT