SUMMARY - lkXXX: keyboard error

From: claudia burg <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 10:16:59 -0700 (MST)

hi all

thanks to dr tom blinn who responded only seconds after the question came
back to me. the error indicates an intermittent problem. nothing to worry
about if it doesn't happen again any time soon, but indicative of a
keyboard in need of replacing if it does happen again. the lkXXX is the
type of keyboard, and it is hard to get - but fortunately we do have a
service contract if it does die.

original and dr blinn's message below.



* Message From: *
* Claudia-Angelica Teresa Chiarenza Burg *
* aka Gigi *
* Claudia *
* G^2 *
* Currently Computing From: Arizona State University *
* Working on: a PhD in Physics and Astronomy *
* *
* *

************************* original **********************

> hi
> found the following error on the dxconsole today:
> lkXXX: keyboard error, code 66 last=66666680/13
> as these errors are oh so crystal clear, i have absolutely no clue what it
> might indicate. the keyboard worked fine and all connections were ok.
> the keyboard is on a dec 3000/300 running du4.0d patch #3.
> thanks for any suggestions or input!
> ciao
> claudia

******************* dr blinn **********************************

It means there was an intermittent keyboard error. There is no "heavyweight"
way of reporting such errors, e.g., through the binary error log; the kernel
just prints a message to the console. If the keyboard keeps working, you've
got no problem. But if the errors occur with any frequency, you might want
to replace the keyboard. (Of course, LKxxx keyboards might be hard to come
by if you don't have a service contract, they are no long manufactured, and
eventually will no longer be sold if that hasn't happened already. PC style
keyboards are incompatible with the DEC 3000 family of systems.)

Received on Fri Mar 12 1999 - 17:19:41 NZDT

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