SUMMARY: FrontPage Extensions

From: Matt Moore <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 1999 14:59:53 -0500 (EST)

Sorry if this is little late... priorities tend to shift.
Original message follows.

Thanks to:

        Ellen Davis <>
        Mike Iglesias <>


Ellen gives an excellent account of the headaches involved. She writes:

I have installed the FP extensions on the Netscape Enterprise server. What
a mess! The install changed the ownership of the web files. And it seemed
that the FP stuff got messed up if you edited a HTML file by hand. I ended
up making a subdirectory in my web server directory called frontpage. I
then made a new web server running on port 8000. I then installed the
extensions on the new web server running on 8000. This way the FP stuff
did not affect the normal server and visa versa.

I also seen other problems. The permissions on the FP stub executables
which are installed in a users web seem to loose their suid permission. I
think this happens when a user gives up on FP and deletes the _* fp files,
instead of me doing a delete on the subweb. Oh yeah - a delete of a users
subweb does not just delete the FP files, it deletes the whole web
directory with all the HTML files, etc. I have had users complain that FP
trashes their files if anything goes wrong. On the other hand, I have had
users thank me for having the extensions installed - they think it is great.

Have you seen the RTR discussion page? It may be helpful to you.


Mike pointed me toward some good stuff on the web. He says:

I'd suggest reading these two web pages if you haven't already:


Original Message:

>Sorry if this is a little off topic but I'm getting pressured to
>install Frontpage Extensions on our web server (DU4.0d/C2/Netscape
>Enterprise). I've been reading some security horror stories on
>BugTraq dealing mostly with Apache servers. I just wondered if any of
>you guys are using FP/Netscape and could give me a heads-up on any tips,
>tricks, hints, gotchas, etc. Thanks in advance... Matt

Matt Moore N3LPH Bucks County Community College
E-mail: Swamp Road Newtown PA 18940
Windows 95: A 32-bit patch for a 16-bit GUI shell running on top of an
8-bit operating system written for a 4-bit processor by a 2-bit company
who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.
Received on Mon Mar 15 1999 - 19:59:54 NZDT

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