can't compile tcpdump on DUX

From: Dirk.Nerling <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 15:28:03 +0100


I plan to use the shadow intrusion detection software from the military
( ) at my DUX 4.0c box.
Unfortunately the tcpdump from DUX seems not to work with the software -
so I tried the tcpdump from the shadow software ( which is from ). I get the following error although configure
seems to know dec_osf and alpha ...

The error while "make" - after the "make depend" runs fine:

cc: Warning: A problem was detected in the processing of a -D option:
This name cannot be a user-defined macro.
cc: Error: ./print-arp.c, line 84: In this statement, "(ap)->arp_sha"
has a pointer type, but occurs in a context that requires a union or
            || ap->arp_hln != sizeof(SHA(ap))
cc: Error: ./print-arp.c, line 98: In this statement, "(ap)->arp_tha"
has a pointer type, but occurs in a context that requires a union or
                if (memcmp((char *)ezero, (char *)THA(ap), 6) != 0)

Does anybody of you use the software at a DUX box - could somebody help
best regards Dirk

Milky Way - Sol System - Earth - Europe - Germany - Thuringia - Erfurt
Received on Fri Mar 19 1999 - 14:27:23 NZDT

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