Problems with local timezone

From: Cristian Ramirez <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 10:20:55 -0400

Hi Managers :
This is the situation, I've got a customer who has DU 4.0B. An user on this
platform is executing an aplication in the crontab utility. The system hour
is correct, and all of aplications on the system are working with the
correct hour. But the crontab is executing one hour before (or after).
The date -u command must be GMT -3, but on this system is GMT -2.
Its localtime file is pointing to ./Chile/Continental, but the /etc/svid3_tz
file is ponting to ./US/Eastern
I don't know if this file may be an interference to the system. I've read
this file is running when the timezone is using the Sytem V format, but I
don't know how set system up to System V format for timezone.
The user is using tcsh.
How can I correct that situation, and if the date is correct, Is the cron
using the GMT hour like a clock ?.

Thanks in advance...
Cristian Ramirez Villarroel
> * SONDA S.A. Teatinos 574, Piso 4, Santiago-Chile
> * Tel. (56 2) 6962277
7 Fax (56 2) 2471031
> *
"Centenaria es la historia que escribes...ILLAPEL tierra de oro y de sol"
Received on Mon Mar 22 1999 - 13:37:58 NZST

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