I have a question, as I have, not until recently, set up a DNS server:
I have just set up a DU 4.0B server as a secondary DNS server, since the local NT DNS server
(which is a secondary server, as well) is totally botched and out of my control, and it's (our) primary
DNS server does not have the latest records of newer IP addresses, and would be frustrating
and time consuming to have it updated. I contract with State Gov't.
The question is:
It appears that my new DU DNS server gets regular updates/downloads of the primary server's
DNS records and I wish to have some local entries remain intact, yet the primary pushes right on
top of the hosts.db file. What am I missing here? I basically would like nslookup to check a local
file of records before the hosts.db or the primary.
Wayne Sweatt
Principal Software Analyst
Litton / PRC
Received on Tue Mar 23 1999 - 18:18:26 NZST