I'm running 4.0b with patch kit 8 on an alpha 4000. Last night the whole
machine hung and I had to do a hard reboot. When it came back up
everything was working fine with the exception of inetd. When you tried
to access any of the services managed by inetd the connection would just
hang as if it was half open and waiting for a response. After about 20
minutes the problem went away and inetd seemed perfectly happy. So then I
tried hupping inetd to see what would happen and I got the same response,
all connections hung and in about 20 minutes it clear up.
Before this started last night the box in quesiton had been up for about
70 days. It was last rebooted when I installed patch kit 8, and there
have been no major changes since then.
Any ideas?
Received on Thu Apr 01 1999 - 14:49:02 NZST