Some have responded in the case of the disabled terminal.
Their suggestion...
edauth -dt :0
(or whatever device is locked)
to zero out the number of excessive logins.
I did edauth, it did show a lock, I was able to remove the lock
entry *but* we still get the message "Terminal has been disabled"
when we try to login.
It was also suggested that I use the same edauth command to
zero out the number of successful logins. I did this, it accepted
the edit, but again got a *terminal is disabled...see account
adminstrator" message, and after this the old number of unsuccessful
logins, plus one, came back.
In the case of the user whose account is locked (only on one
NIS client node, not the server) it was suggested
that I use edauth to clear out the account lock, which I did.
Only problem is, every time we try to use
passwd to change his password (which is unknown) it locks
his account out again with message
"passwd was changed by root...."
I repeat.. on the NIS server I can change his password fine
using either passwd or dxaccounts. But for some reason
the password change is not propagating to the local node.
I even backed out C2 security and reinstalled it again... no such luck,
same problem.
Any clues?
Steve Timm
Received on Thu Apr 08 1999 - 20:10:58 NZST