and thank you for your numerous and also quick responses, although no
response realy solved our problem. First of all, many of you stated to
try a "consvar -g EWA0_MODE". This command seems not to work on DU3.x
and even on DU4.x all i get is a message like "FAILED TO GET EWA0_MODE".
The /var/adm/log/message file or uerf instead indicates the value of
EWx0, but we would like to get out the value of the console variable.
If anyone has further informations, please let me know!
mit freundlichen Gruessen
Reimund Willig
e-mail: willig.reimund_at_gdr.de
tel: +49-5205-941747
fax: +49-5205-941725
** Schwer ist leicht was **
Received on Thu Apr 15 1999 - 09:38:50 NZST