Thanks go to David Warren, Ashley Frost and most of all to Alan Davis
for the following tip,
> If you are using the v4.0d manuals only, that may be your
> problem. Take a look at the release notes, there is updated
> information about PPP there.
> I had successfully configured an Alphastation for PPP using
> the information there.
The release notes make mention of a couple of extra bits of config info
which look like they will solve the problems.
------------------------ original post follows ------------------------
> Has anyone configured an AS500 as a PPP server for PC/Mac clients
> successfully? If so I'd be grateful for a few pointers please.
> Modem is a Hayes Accura 56K external unit. I've gone through the recipe in
> the Dunix 4.0D docs. I can talk to the unit via tip. Answers when dialled
> from client but no ppp link established.
Received on Wed Apr 21 1999 - 11:33:48 NZST