Original question:
Apparently userdel no longer works(doesn't delete accounts)
in 4.0e with patch kit 1 installed.
Can anyone shed any light on this?
The answer came from Alan Davis (Davis_at_Tessco.Com):
There have recently been problems with patches breaking userdel in other
releases, although v4.0e was supposed to be ok. Please log a call with
Compaq Services on this.
Alan Davis
Karen Y. Byrd C511 Richards Bldg.
Systems Manager 3700 Hamilton Wlk.
Tech Sup. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6062
Info. Ser. Div. Voice: 215/898-6865
UofP Health System Fax: 215/573-7645
Received on Mon Apr 26 1999 - 11:29:40 NZST