The problem appears to have been a SCSI problem. The configuration is an
Asvr 1000a 4/266 , four internal RZ28 , CD , internal DAT (TLZ09) and an
external DAT TLZ09.
When I removed the external DAT and terminated the bus on the back of the
system, the internal DAT worked fine. The SCSI cable from the back of the
system to the external DAT was 1 meter long. From my old DEC field service
days, I seem to remember that there was a STRICT limit of 0.5 meters of
cable allowed on the back of the Avsr 1000.
Why it had worked under V3.2G - Who knows ? Luck I guess !!!!
Kevin Jones
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Jones []
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 1999 11:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: TLZ09 & V4.0D
> Hello Managers
> Is anyone aware of any problems with TLZ09 's and V4.0D.
> I have just upgraded a system from V3.2G to V4.0D and now I get CAM errors
> from the two TLZ09 's - particularly if I try to dump filesystems in
> single
> user mode.
> The server is a Asvr1000a, with one internal TLZ09 and one external TLZ09,
> I
> suspect the problem may be related to the length of the SCSI bus, as I
> remember the Asvr1000 was particularly fussy about the amount of SCSI
> connected to the back of it.
> I just thought I'd run it past you all before I start pulling the SCSI bus
> apart.
> Regards
> Kevin Jones
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