Some time ago I wrote to the list about problems I was having with backing
up or restoring from a TZ88 tape drive to a AS800 server with messages such
as the following.
vdump: unable to write to device </dev/nrmt0h>; [5] I/O error
After changing or replacing all related parts I finally have a solution. A
Compaq service person in Australia found that there is an 'incompatibility'
between AS800 hardware and KZPAA scsi cards. We replaced the KZPAA with a
KZPDA and have had no problems since, 5 days worth of testing.
I pass on this information as several others ( Carlos Chua, Guillaume
Bourque to name but two ) also appear to be having very similar problems
although with different hardware. Hopefully this will help point to a
solution for you.
Jonathan Bell
Received on Tue May 04 1999 - 22:32:42 NZST