First off I admit that I know very little about TruClusters in
the Tru64 UNIX world; my familiarity is with VMSclusters. I have
read all the documents relating to TruClusters at Compaq's web
site and I still have some questions:
1) Is TruCluster available over Ethernet/FDDI? Can we have the
machines in two different buildings and connect them via
2) If we keep them in the same room, do we need the memory channel
to cluster them? My salesperson says that we don't need any
extra hardware other than a network connection!
3) Is it possible to take advantage of load balancing Oracle
services on 2 alphaservers that are clustered? We have SCT's
Banner running on our servers against an Oracle database and
clients connect to it from Win95/98 PCs using specialized
Banner client programs. What I would like to do are:
a) Specify a common IP name for the cluster and clients
will connect to the least busy one, and
b) Any system in the cluter could be taken out of service
but the services will continue to be available.
Please share your experience/thoughts or provide pointers to
additional reading.
Thank you.
-- mahendra
A. Mahendra Rajah Email: Mahendra_at_Meena.CC.URegina.CA
VMS & DUNIX Systems Manager Phone: (306) 585-4496
Dept. of Computing Services FAX: (306) 585-5060
University of Regina,
Regina, Sask., S4S 0A2
Received on Thu May 06 1999 - 17:30:18 NZST