HSZ50 and TLZ09

From: <Gosuc_at_aol.com>
Date: Fri, 7 May 1999 04:50:42 EDT

Hi fllow-admins,
I hav a A4100 with a HSZ50 . The UNIX-Version is V4.0B, the HSOF-
Version is V52Z-0.
My problem, when writing to the tape (tar-files) connected to the HSZ50, the
tape petends to
write the data without any problems.When I want to read something,
the error-message "io-error offset 0" appears.The uerf shows hardware-
error detected, with an errorcode 70 combined with "illegal request".
Replacing the tape didn't change anything. Is there anything to be
aware of when replacing a tape on an HSZ50, because the technican
just replaced the drive.

At the moment I have no access to any backupdata.Any help would be

By the way,when I type in something at the HSZ50-console, a message
appears "swap-signal cleared, all swap signals reenabled". Any ideas
what this means?

Best regards

Gottfried Suchomski
Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 08:54:42 NZST

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