I had asked about restoring the firmware on an Alpha clone, an "Alpha 21164
Evaluation Board 300MHz system", after I had managed to damage it by using the
wrong SROM image. I have learned more than I wanted to know about the
initialization sequence, the mini-debugger, and the advisability of buying
supported hardware. I was never able to talk to the debug serial port and
after returning the board to the vendor, he claims the CPU and the motherboard
both need to be replaced.
I will be buying a DS20 instead :-)
Thanks to the following folks for advice, encouragement, copies of firmware
images and documentation
Kurt A. Schumacher <>
Terry Horsnell <>
David Hull <>
Alan Davis <Davis_at_Tessco.Com>
Jon Brinkmann <>
and especially to
Tom Blinn <> who was most succinct: "You may be hosed."
Harvey Rarback phone: (650)926-3963
Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr fax: (650)926-4100
PO Box 4349, MS 69 home phone: (650)560-9111
Stanford, CA 94309-0210 Web: ESnet: 45746::RARBACK
"Always tell the truth, that way you don't have to keep track."
Received on Sat May 15 1999 - 23:38:14 NZST