Hello Managers :
The system printing out of order. For example, I have a doc with 4 pages.
The system is printing it like this :
1, 3, 4, 2 or 2, 1, 3, 4....the order is not always the same. The really
problem is with jobs up 100 pages or 1000 pages.
The spool area have been stoped and the jobs in the spool are in disorder
The system worked fine before an upgrade. The old system was a DU 3.2g and
the problem system is DU 4.0D + kit 2.
Does anybody help me ??
I'll be very grateful.
Thanks in advance
Cristian Ramirez Villarroel
> * SONDA S.A. Teatinos 574, Piso 4, Santiago-Chile
> * Tel. (56 2) 6962277
7 Fax (56 2) 2471031
> * mailto:cristian.ramirez_at_sonda.cl
"Centenaria es la historia que escribes...ILLAPEL tierra de oro y de sol"
Received on Wed May 19 1999 - 21:16:34 NZST