Dear Managers,
I'm writing this while wiping a lot of egg off my face. My
posted summary does give a correct fix, but the documentation URL
mentioned is also correct, contrary to my assertion. I had searched
my Apache httpd.conf file for references to the two directories in
question prior to my initial post, but I must have given an incorrect
search pattern to Emacs because directory A is in fact mentioned
there. I feel really stupid; sorry for wasting everyone's time
(including mine). Thanks to
Rodent of Unusual Size <Ken.Coar_at_Golux.Com>
for questioning my summary and making me do a follow-up!
Original summary
-------- -------
Dear Managers,
I received a piece of incorrect information that did put me on
the right track. The AllowOverride option for the root of the Web
page tree must be set to "AuthConfig" in the
/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file:
<Directory "/usr/local/Web"> (or whatever your root is)
AllowOverride AuthConfig
Thanks to the following respondents:
Jie Gao <>
Lucio Chiappetti <>
Rodent of Unusual Size <Ken.Coar_at_Golux.Com>
Jie suggested looking at this URL:
This URL suggests that if the AllowOverride option is set to none (as
mine was) then .htaccess files are ignored. That's clearly incorrect
as my directory "A" WAS being checked, but at least it made me look in
the right place. Ken had offered to looked at my httpd.conf file
(thanks to him!), but I found the fix before I had a chance to send
Original post
-------- ----
Dear Managers,
I'm not sure if this is a T64U problem or an Apache problem, so
I'm posting here in the hope you can help.
Our Web server is running T64U v4.0dp3 and Apache v 1.3.6.
Apache is launched from inetd (we're a low volume site and the server
must do other duties). Under the root directory of the Web Page tree
I have two directories I'll call A and B. I want to require an
account name and password for these two directories when Apache
accesses them on behalf of a browser. I put an .htaccess and
.htpasswd file in each. As far I can tell, they are identically
configured except for the directory names and the "title" (AuthName)
displayed. However, when I use Netscape (either from T64U or from my
PC) I am challenged to give the account name and password when
attempting to browse directory A, but not directory B.
Here's the stuff I've checked:
$ ls -algd /usr/local/Web/A
drwxr-xr-x 4 root http 8192 May 20 18:16 /usr/local/Web/A
$ ls -algd /usr/local/Web/B
drwxr-xr-x 2 root http 8192 May 19 17:27 /usr/local/Web/B
$ ls -alg /usr/local/Web/A/.ht*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root http 129 May 20 18:16 /usr/local/Web/A/.htaccess
-rw-r--r-- 1 root http 22 Feb 5 16:03 /usr/local/Web/A/.htpasswd
$ ls -alg /usr/local/Web/B/.ht*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root http 121 May 19 17:27 /usr/local/Web/B/.htaccess
-rw-r--r-- 1 root http 22 May 20 18:35 /usr/local/Web/B/.htpasswd
$ cat /usr/local/Web/A/.htaccess
AuthUserFile /usr/local/Web/A/.htpasswd
AuthName "Title for directory A"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
$ cat /usr/local/Web/B/.htaccess
AuthUserFile /usr/local/Web/B/.htpasswd
AuthName "Title for directory B"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
Neither directory is mentioned in the httpd.conf file.
I have tried browsing the directories in both orders, clearing
the disk and memory cache in Netscape before each operation. Netscape
is the built-in version for T64U and 4.5 on my PC.
What am I missing here?
Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at:
Received on Mon May 24 1999 - 19:28:12 NZST