Dear Tru U'ers
I am trying to prepare myself for incoming 1200 5/533 servers in a
two member TruCluster Production Server/Oracle Parallel Server configuration.
I will do my real training then, hopefully with sufficient documentation that is included
with the licenses(?).
Part I
I'm actually lacking the basic concepts behind how the TruCluster software works.
Is it TOTALLY parallel, in the since that memory images are mirrored, registers are
continually dumped to memory, so that all processes on the downed node are
totally picked up by the other node? For instance, if one node is running Apache,
and that node goes down. Is it picked up on the new server? Same PID? How is this process started? Was it
already created on the other server, sleeping? Would this consume my # of procs allocation?
It seems that to truly be TOTALLY parallel, there would be lot of overhead on all members of
a cluster. I suppose I need a good reference to modern day cluster software. I used to be
a Cray hardware tech. support engineer and had to sweat the details of how things worked,
down to the bit, and I still have that need to know how things really work, not just how to get
to the right screen of the cluster admin. GUI.
Any pointers to a good nitty-gritty white paper on Cluster SW - preferably TruCluster Prod. Server?
I will be installing a similar Sun UltraSparc SunCluster 2.2 Cluster in two months as well.
Is TruCluster by itself only to failover the OS? are the applications on their own? Is that why I see
Oracle Parallel Server Compatibility, Legato networker Cluster Compatibility? How about, let's say
Samba? Would it be failed over? Apache? If each application needs customization to be failed over
under TruCluster, or a cluster in general, how is this accomplished? Homebrew scripts? Is there an API
available to code against?
Part II
I am now installing Legato Networker 5.5 (from Legato) on a standalone Tru64 4.0D 2100.
It also has an option to install it on a TruCluster ASE platform to allow it to failover.
Is this Networker Cluster option JUST for ASE or will it work under PSE?
I think I have a cluster headache!
Wayne Sweatt
Received on Wed May 26 1999 - 18:32:08 NZST