Networker5.5 and a TZ867 loader?

From: Wayne Sweatt <>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:50:39 -0600

  I am trying to find out if there is such a thing
as "nsrld" under Networker 5.5. When I try to configure my
TZ867 under the "Media->Loaders.." config window, nwadmin
hangs and I have to restart all nsr processes. I have noticed
that my 'whereis' man page database lists an 'nsrld' command
when I do a 'man -k nsrld', but there is no man page for it.
If I try to use the cursors/non-GUI method with 'nsradmin -c' and
create a resource of type:NSR loader, I get the same endless hang.
What's the deal here? Do I have to seperately purchase/license the
loader layer? I am manually ejecting and loading DLT3's and need to
at least have it cycle to the next tape automatically. The whole idea
of having a loader or jukebox is avoid such manual intervention.

Anyone have a clue?

P.S. I can't call Legato support for help until I find out if the State purchased
Legato support - they can't even tell me who it was purchased from! Help!
I actually think if a customer purchases Legato software, they should at least
get something like 90 days of free tech. support, but I guess business is too good
to worry about that "customer service" baloney.

Wayne Sweatt
Principal Software Analyst
Litton / PRC
Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 18:53:59 NZST

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