Actually this is not a summary and rather an update.
When I find a solution I will update this summary.
The problems exist, I contacted COMPAQ they are working with Netscape.
Netscape issued an new release of the Enterprise Servedr 3.62 to address
this problem.
This version is not available as yet for Tru64,(for Solaris, AIX, HP UX and
IRIX is released).
So I am waiting for the solution. I reinstalled version 3.51 for now
I received e-mail confirming this problem from:
Carlo Valpiani [Carlo.Valpiani_at_ccf.health.nsw.gov.au]
Fernando Goicolea [fer_at_tid.es]
Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 21:46:11 NZST