ES40/PC264 questions

From: T. S. Horsnell <>
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:24:56 +0100 (BST)

1. I hear rumours of a PC264 motherboard soon. Lovely.
   It will only support NT and Linux. No SRM. Horrible.

2. I want to configure a 4-cpu ES40 with 2Gb mem and > 6 PCI slots.
   The PCI requirement means I need a Model 2 machine.
   According to the SOC, the smallest Model 2 I can buy comes with
   a 1Gb memory set. According to the techinfo on DEQ's website,
   in order to fully utilise memory interleaving, I need 4 sets all the same
   size, which means I have to buy twice as much memory as I need.
   The alternative is to buy a Model 1 with 0.5Gb mem, plus an
   upgrade to Model 2 kit and throw away the redundant Model 1 bits,
   and a further 3 x 0.5Gb mem sets. This does the trick PCI and
   memorywise, but how silly to have to throw stuff away on day one.
   How about a bit more flexibility in the initial memory configurations
   of these machines. I thought this sort of thing was Compaq's forte...


Terry Horsnell (
Computer Manager
Medical Research Council
Lab of Molecular Biology
Hills Road
+44 (0)1223 248011
Received on Fri Jun 04 1999 - 16:27:13 NZST

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