Original Post:
Since upgrading from 4.0D to 4.0F, my CDE colors appear to be limited.
Opening almost any application, I get numerous errors about colors. Is
there someplace besides the CDE style manager where I can tell my system to
use more colors?
sizer -gr 1024x768
sizer -gt S3TRIO
Thanks to:
Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646 [tpb_at_doctor.zk3.dec.com]
Paul Henderson [henderson_at_unx.dec.com]
Answer (from Paul):
This is a problem in 4.0F with the new Compaq Tru64 UNIX logo. It uses
approximately 211 colors, vs. the old logo which used approximately 20. The
Xwindows server only has 256 color cells available, so obviously using 211
the 256 is a problem.
A quick workaround is to just move /usr/dt/appconfig/icons/C/DECDtlogo.pm to
new name. This will cause no logo to be shown in the login screen.
Alternatively, place the attached logo in its place. The 'fewer colors' logo
will be in a patch kit soon.
Received on Mon Jun 28 1999 - 18:51:06 NZST