NIS message changing a password

From: Andre Langkjer <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:07:42 -0300

    Hi managers,

    I am having a problem changing passwords... The problem is the
following: when I try to change a password, I have the following

    # passwd jbatista
    Last successful password change for jbatista: Tue May 25 19:51:09
    Last unsuccessful password change for jbatista: Tue May 25 19:56:11

    New password:
    Re-enter new password:
    + /usr/bin/make -N prpasswd NOPUSH="" PRPWDPUSHONLY=1 (*)

    pushed prpasswd

    The password is changed, but I couldn't understand this message
(*)... I am with DU 4.0e. Before I was in 4.0a and this message had
never appeared...

    Could anybody help me?

    Thanks in advance...

Andre Langkjer
System Administrator
INPI - Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial
INFOTEC - Consultoria e Planejamento
Address:  Praca Maua, 7 1121 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Phone:    (+55)(21)271-5738
Fax:      (+55)(21)253-4229

Received on Tue Jun 29 1999 - 19:07:15 NZST

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