I am trying to set up PPP server on OSF1 V4.0 600au Personal Workstation.
The modem (28.8k) has been connected to /dev/tty00 and I did the following things.
1. added a line in /etc/remote as
2. added a line in /etc/inittab as
modem:23:respawn:/usr/lib/uucp/uugetty -r -t 60 tty00 115200
and did "init q"
3. set modem paramaters so that the modem automatically answers the call
after three calls. (Using "tip" program)
4. created a new account called "ppp" as
ppp:*:200:15:Remote PPP Login:/usr/ppp:/usr/sbin/pppd
After all these modifications, I can dial the modem from outside, get login
prompt and successfully login as normal user, get my shell started etc. But as
soon as I try to login as ppp using Windows 95 Dial-In Network or Macintosh's
Free PPP, the PC's or Mac's do not recognize the protocol and can not make
successful ppp connection. Any advice on this problem would be greatly appreciated.
My e-mail address is schoi004_at_unix.temple.edu, if you want to contact me directly.
Seonho Choi
Physics Dept., Temple University Phone : 215-204-7637
Barton Hall, 1900 N. 13th St. FAX : 561-258-7689
Philadelphia PA19122, USA E-mail : schoi004_at_unix.temple.edu
Received on Wed Jul 07 1999 - 21:10:30 NZST